Initiate: prologue

I’ve created a Freemind mindmap to aid in the Initiate process.  There are many levels to the Initiate process and I wanted to be able to refer back to sources and exit standards quickly when necessary via one screen and interface.

The map has four levels; It is obviously a display of the Initiate program, it lists each of the 12 (13) protocols within the Initiate program, it then shows the standards required to complete each protocol, and lastly it incorporates the entirety of the ADF Initiate Syllabus compiled by Rev. Jan Avende & Nick Egelhoff.

The image below shows all the levels of the map – The yellow pop-up window shows the information(sources, exit standards) when the cursor has been placed over the Divination 1 protocol. The text window beneath the mindmap grid shows the Syllabus which is accessed when clicking the ‘Initiate Path’ node in the center.

The Syllabus is an important component in that it provides the Initiate with a monthly and weekly guide to help incorporate the Initiate path requirements into daily life.  The Syllabus is only a guide and not a requirement, but I believe that it can act as a virtual ‘Mentor’ on the Way, much like a wizened old hermit who stodgily keeps a wayward novitiate to some semblance of daily discipline.

Of note is the fact that I created this with the Norse Hearth culture in mind so in one or two of the Exit Standards I have removed source material listing other cultural perspectives.

Two things you need:

The Freemind Program: Program is Here 

The Initiate Mindmap file: Download Here

(other mindmap software should be able to import the mindmap created in Freemind if you already use similar software, as most can read the standard .mm extension.


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